A quick search in IDA Pro turned up its usage location:
It appears that the method "connection:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge" on the Transcoder object uses the "ssdata" string to call "extractClientCertInfo:withDateInfo:withSecIdentity:withClientCerts".
Looking at the iOS NSUrlConnectioNDelegate object documentation (
Sent when a connection must authenticate a challenge in order to download its request.- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challengeParameters
- connection
The connection sending the message.- challenge
The challenge that connection must authenticate in order to download its request.
This method must be getting called during an NSUrl request when the host is asking us to provide authentication, probably a client SSL certificate (ssdata).
Digging into the "extractClientCertInfo:withDateInfo:withSecIdentity:withClientCerts" code we see that it calls SecPKCS12Import.
; R0 = [Passphrase!] Arg 1 [r3] from extractClientCertInfo_withDateInfo_withSecIdentity_withClientCerts__ (withDateInfo is the fake argument name); R1 = File Contents of a P12 file; R2 = [FileName] Arg 0 [r2] passed into SecurityUtils extractClientCertInfo_withDateInfo_withSecIdentity_withClientCerts__; Stack 0x04 = Pointer to an array of items to be populated by this function;CFArrayRef keyref = NULL;; OSStatus sanityChesk = SecPKCS12Import((__bridge CFDataRef) p12Data,; (__bridge CFDictionaryRef) [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:password; forKey:(__bridge id)kSecImportExportPassphrase],; &keyref);; The complete p12 content will be in the keystore array.
It is clear that the "withDateInfo" argument is actually the .p12 file's password. Looking back at what this argument is passed in as...
It appears that SecurityUtils."dateTransform:other"() returns our password, it appears to take in the parameters "/MyW3}O aoG" & "x$+2".LDR R4, [R2] ; _OBJC_CLASS_$_SecurityUtilsMOV R2, (cfstr_Myw3O - 0x11A42C) ; "/MyW3}O aoG"LDR R0, [R3] ; _OBJC_CLASS_$_SUtilsMOVW R3, #0x6E1ALDR R1, [R1] ; "dateTransform:other:"MOVT.W R3, #0x47ADD R2, PC ; "/MyW3}O aoG"ADD R3, PC ; "x$+2"BLX _objc_msgSendMOV R3, R0
Looking for other instances of dateTransform being called, I find TcpConnection."useSSL"() also calls it in the exact same fashion as Transcoder."connection:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge"(). Except this time the parameters for dateTransform are "\x02\\|X\x02u\x1B\x06\x14O{c" & "a$+5" and it uses the "cdata" file.
This tells me that every TCPConnection object using SSL will automatically includes the SSL Client certificate CData. This means that the IPScanner must be using this while scanning the network...
Looking at the disassembly for "dateTransform:other" we see that its code is obfuscated, making it nearly impossible to decypher. This definitely isn't going to work...
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