Saturday, March 30, 2013

TiVo App - Streaming .m3u8 playlists

I had been curious how the actual Tivo Stream was .... streaming... the video to the iPhone, in looking at some logs that run during an actual streaming session I found something interesting:

Mar 30 22:55:13 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: Preflighter: Transcoder is happy to stream
Mar 30 22:55:13 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: TiVoStreamPreflighter: prereqs:2
Mar 30 22:55:13 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: backgroundFetchTranscoderInfo done for XXXXXXXXXXXXXX!
Mar 30 22:55:13 XXXXX-iPod tccd[1299] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [tccd] (793.00)
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: Response for passkey session request: 200, error: (null)
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: TiVoStreamPreflighter: Pass Key success
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: TiVoStreamPreflighter: prereqs:0
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: urlForMFSID:forTSN: string is{TIVO_GUID}/10160.m3u8
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: Creating TiVoViewerViewController with url={TIVO_GUID}/10160.m3u8
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: Displaying status text: Loading Show
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: TiVoViewer: setURL:{TIVO_GUID}/10160.m3u8
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: removeTimeObserver: self.player=0x0, pat.player=0x0, pat.token=0x0
Mar 30 22:55:14 XXXXX-iPod Quicksilver[1286] <Warning>: Sending POST request to

Retrieving m3u8 file

I grabbed the url from the log and retrieved its content in my browser, it contained the following:


This file looks like it holds different quality streams, each with their own playlist.m3u8 file.

Retrieving playlist.m3u8 file

Following the path in the previous .m3u8 file I grabbed the playlist.m3u8, it contained the following:
(I truncated the output, it has many parts)

This is VERY interesting!  It appears that the TiVo Stream sends the data in small pieces specified in playlist.m3u8, encrypted with aes-128.

This appears to be called "HTTP Live Streaming" by Apple in iOS, "HLS" for short:

Given what I have read about the m3u8 format, it appears that iOS will attempt to hit the given url and it will expect a 128-bit AES key in response to decrypt each file...

1 comment:

  1. Pretty fascinating stuff, the post really piqued my curiosity!
